patricia albuquerque de andrade nicola


Perfil Pessoal

Descrição pessoal
Possui bacharelado e licenciatura em Ciências Biológicas pela Universidade de Brasília, mestrado em Biologia Molecular pela Universidade de Brasília, mestrado e doutorado em Microbiologia e Imunologia no Albert Einstein College of Medicine de Nova York como bolsista do programa CAPES -Fulbright. Fez pós-doutorados na Universidade de Brasília, Universidade Católica de Brasília e na Bloomberg School of Public Health -Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, EUA). É professora adjunta da Universidade de Brasilia (FCE) desde 2014, e membro dos programas de Pós-Graduação em Medicina Tropical e em Biologia Microbiana da UnB. Tem experiência na área de Biologia de Fungos, com ênfase em Microbiologia, Imunologia, bem como Biologia Molecular e Bioquímica de pequenas moléculas.

I am a biologist working with different aspects of the biology of pathogenic fungi. I obtained my Bachelor and master’s in science degree at the University of Brasilia, in Brazil and my Ph.D. at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, in the U.S. Since 2014, I am a “Professor Adjunto” at the University of Brasilia, the equivalent of an Associate Professor in the US. I am also a member of the Graduate Program of Tropical Medicine, the Graduate Program in Microbiology, and the Graduate Program in Molecular Pathology in which I supervise master’s in science and Ph.D. students. I have a background in Molecular Biology, Microbiology, and Immunology. And my research is mainly involved in multidisciplinary approaches in the study of fungal virulence, host-pathogen interaction, the role of small molecules in fungal biology, and in their interaction with host cells.
Formação acadêmica/profissional (Onde obteve os títulos, atuação profissional, etc.)
Graduação: Bacharelado e Licenciatura em Ciências Biológicas - Universidade de Brasília
Mestrado em Biologia Molecular - Universidade de Brasília -Bolsista da CAPES
Mestrado e Doutorado em Microbiologia e Imunologia - Albert Einstein College of Medicine- Yeshiva University - Nova York - EUA - Bolsista CAPES/Fulbright
Pós-doutorad na Universidade de Brasília (Brasil)
Pós-doutorado na Bloomberg School of Public Health Johns Hopkins University (USA)

Baccalaureate in Biological Sciences - University of Brasilia, Brazil
Master's in Science in Molecular Biology - University of Brasilia, Brazil
Master's in Science and Ph.D. in Microbiology and Immunology - Albert Einstein College of Medicine- Yeshiva University - Nova York - EUA - CAPES/Fulbright Scholarship
Postdoctoral Fellowship - University of Brasilia, Brazil
Visiting Scholar - Bloomberg School of Public Health Johns Hopkins University (USA)
Áreas de Interesse (áreas de interesse de ensino e pesquisa)
Fungos patogênicos humanos, Cryptococcus spp, Paracoccidioides spp, Candida spp. Quorum sensing em fungos, interação patógeno hospedeiro, uso de hospedeiros alternativos Galleria mellonella, Acanthamoeba castellanii e outras amebas de solo, evolução da virulência em fungos, expressão diferencial de genes e peptídeos antimicrobianos.

Biology of human fungal pathogens and their interaction with the host, in special Paracoccidioides spp, Cryptococcus spp, and Candida spp.
My main research interests are the role of intra and inter-species interactions in the virulence of pathogenic fungi, which includes:
1) Studying the different roles of small metabolites produced by pathogenic fungi in microbial communication, such as
quorum sensing, or in their interaction with different hosts.
2) The evolution of virulence in fungal species that are normally found as saprophytes in the environment but had
developed very sophisticated tools to survive the occasional encounter with mammalian hosts.
3) How differences in the host transcriptional response to certain fungal cells can help us to understand resistance or
susceptibility to the development of fungal disease.
4) The study of antimicrobial peptides as potential new antifungal molecules.
Currículo Lattes:

Formação Acadêmica

Formação acadêmica não cadastrada


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